After being home for 14 days it was time for our first adventure. Even though working from home kept me busy I couldn’t wait to get out of the house. Since all of our groceries had to be ordered online, the house surely wasn’t fully stocked. To make matters worse we had no other option last Friday to have potato chips for dinner due to the food delivery being 3 days late.
So after a rocky food-week and it time to turn the tide and stock up! No place better to do so then at the all so famous Walmart!

Both of us hadn’t been outside for 2 weeks, so it was guessing about what to expect inside. All shelves empty? Will people be stocking up on toilet paper as well? People pushing the carts into each other? Well it was none of it. Apparently it is possible to behave normal and just get what you need. People were waiting to allow others to pass at a safe distance. Neat lines at the checkout and implemented safety screens for the cashier.

So enough time and space for me to get whatever we needed and what we don’t need, but still wanted. Although I had a lot of fun shopping, I mean, this was my first Costa Rica out-of-the-house adventure. Not everybody like it as much as I did.

It probably wasn’t the adventure you were expecting, so let’s hope the next one is more exciting.
At least there will be alcohol for my birthday 🥳🥳🥳

Dat was een spannend avontuur! Na 2 weken binnen zitten ben je blij met ieder uitje. Zelfs naar een supermarkt.
Hier zijn de meeste vakken inmiddels ook weer gevuld en kan men weer redelijk normaal winkelen. Mogen maar beperkt aantal mensen in de winkel dus soms moet je voor de deur wachten.
We wachten je volgende avonturen vol spanning af
that’s gotta be the best pirate i’ve ever seen… enjoy the adventure!!!
Nice Andre! Ik ga je blog zeker lezen. Veel plezier daar en blijf gezond! Hartelijke groeten aan je vriendin.😄💑